"allo" lets you search for and discover restaurants around you. Browse through restaurant by nearby and use the map feature to guide you there or simply click "allo" to make your order over the phone.
- Explore offline without internet connection as "allo" sync restaurants in your city in a very light database on your mobile for maximum 2MB storage space.
- Search easily for Restaurants and Cafes by location, cuisine (e.g. Chinese, Italian, Indian), name.
- Explore every restaurant in your city, including the ones near your current location, and use search to find the one that suits you best.
- Follow your favorite restaurants.
- Get offers and vouchers from your favorite chains.
- Simply one click on navigate button will help you driving to your selected restaurants.
- New in the city? No problem, just sync your new city data and explore lovely restaurants around you.
- Explore weekly editor's choices
- Use the map view to explore restaurants around you.
- Follow your favorite restaurants to receive new updates, vouchers and offers.
Permissions Requested:
- Location - To identify your location and show the restaurants closest to you.
"allo" is now available in over 30+ cities
United States: New York City, Los Angeles
England: London
Canada: Toronto, Montreal
Australia: Sydney, Melbourne
Brazil: Sao Paulo
France: Paris
Spain: Madrid, Barcelona
Italy: Roma, Milano
United Arab Emirates: Dubai, Abu Dhabi
Egypt: Cairo, Alexandria, Sharm Elsheikh, North coast, Mansoura, El Gouna
Saudi Arabia: Riyadh, Jeddah, Mecca, Madina, Dammam
Kuwait: Kuwait City
Qatar: Doha, Wakrah
Lebanon: Beirut
Jordan: Amman
Turkey: Istanbul
Malaysia: Kuala Lumpur
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